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More hospital visitors allowed, based on roles

11 Oct 2020

Faith leaders, labor support people excluded from count

By: Michael J. Cleveland, administrative fellow

Visitors at Salem Health fulfilling certain roles will not count against the number of visitors a patient may receive each day. This includes:

  • Community faith leaders providing spiritual services to patients. These visits will be for all circumstances, and not only be limited to patients receiving end of life care. Screening, approval, and coordination (e.g. contacting unit, SH screeners, scheduling with faith leader) of community faith leader visitation will be the responsibility of Salem Health Spiritual Care.  Should SH Spiritual Care be unavailable, unit Nursing will perform the same role in screening, approval, and coordination. 
  • Support persons for patient in labor.  Patients in Labor and Delivery will have their visitor limit expanded to two visitors to allow for partner of patient, as well as one support person (e.g. doula, patient-appointed support person, etc.).  In special cases involving surrogacy deliveries, visitor limit may be expanded to three to allow for intended parents and patient’s support person.
Please see the COVID-19 Sharepoint site to see the updated Visitation Guidelines.