Nine clinician focus groups were conducted in early May last year on provider burnout/brownout. They were facilitated by Larry Harmon, PhD, well-known to many of you through his work with the PULSE 360 program and PLI 1.0.
Your honest and heartfelt information has shaped our provider engagement work throughout this past year. I am pleased to announce we’ll conduct another series, on April 25 through 28 with the same 75-minute schedule for each meeting. Breakfast meetings are from 6:30 to 7:45 a.m.; lunch meetings from noon to 1:15 p.m. and dinner meetings from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Dr. Harmon will facilitate again, and, as last year, the conversation will be driven by medical staff who attend.
We’ll discuss issues important to you, including burnout/brownout as well as your reflections on the past year and thoughts on future improvements. Larry has mentioned to me that, to the best of his knowledge, this will be the first repeat focus group gatherings to take place nationally. I truly hope you can make one of them.
We are genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts. Please let Kellye Lou Fetters know your preference by emailing her or calling 503-814-3893.