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LexiComp to replace Micromedex!

05 Dec 2021

Lexi integrated with UpToDate, more concise

By: Matt Tanner, PharmD, BCPS, clinical informatics pharmacist

Starting in January of 2022, Salem Health's online medication reference will transition from Micromedex to LexiComp. Much of the information in LexiComp is presented more concisely and for a similar price as Micromedex, and Lexi is fully integrated with UpToDate.

If you want to familiarize yourself with Lexi, you can find Lexi in orders as you enter them or the MAR, at this link, or on the pharmacy intranet page in the "Online Pharmacy References" tab (see the pictures below). 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Matt Tanner in Pharmacy (503-814-9960 or

Click on the Departments link, then

lexicomp navigation

And then: 
lexicomp navigation 2