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Lab Update: Workflows adjusted to fix gap in results

15 Apr 2018

Affected tests: Maternal Serum Quad Screen, Alpha Fetoprotein

By: Mary Ransome, director Salem Health Lab administration

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Salem Health Laboratory recently discovered a gap in the interface between Salem Health and our reference laboratory, ARUP. 

We discovered that two test codes were not updated on the Salem Health side, causing a delay in results. Testing and “resulting” were performed in a timely manner by our reference laboratory, but because Salem Health did not have the updated coding, results were pending in our interface, and we were unaware. 

The two laboratory tests impacted were Maternal Serum Quad Screen and Maternal Serum Screen Alpha Fetoprotein. We are reaching out to providers who ordered one or more of these tests since Feb. 9, 2018. Coding has now been updated and your results have been transmitted. 

To prevent future occurrences Salem Health Laboratory adjusted two workflows by:

  1. Updating how we receive test updates from our reference laboratory.
  2. Creating an internal pending report showing as “results pending.” Our Laboratory Client Services Department will monitor this report twice weekly to ensure clients are receiving test results in a timely manner.

Lab Test Directory Information: