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Kidney care joins Community Connect

14 Mar 2021

Newest partner provides seamless Epic access for patients

Kidney Care Physicians is Salem Health’s newest Community Connect partner, providing the independent physician practice seamless access to Epic. 

Providers will see more information when viewing patient charts, such as clinical documentation and exams. Patients will benefit from having the integration in Salem Health’s MyChart system.

Kidney Care Physicians was founded on the idea that early diagnosis and dedication to patient education Improves quality of life. 

Salem Clinic became Salem Health’s first Community Connect partner in 2016 and Oregon Heart Center joined in 2018. Kidney Care’s two locations are now participating in Community Connect: 

  • Salem Hospital, Building B, 875 Oak St., SE, Suite 5070, Salem, Ore.
  • 550 Dietz Ave., NE, Keizer, Ore.