In recent weeks, Infection Prevention teams learned there is some confusion about isolation precautions as well as signage for patients testing positive for COVID-19 and patients awaiting a COVID-19 test result. Providers, please continue to partner with us and remember that all patients testing positive for COVID-19 and patients awaiting a COVID-19 test result (unless the patient is being screened for COVID-19 for an invasive procedure or placement) should have an order to be placed in Contact/Special Droplet Isolation. If the patient then develops the need for an AGP, nursing staff will place an AGP sign to notify the additional PPE requirements for airborne precautions. As a reminder, the additional airborne precautions for Special Droplet Isolation for COVID-19 patients includes using a fit tested N95, P-100, or CAPR/PAPR during aerosolizing procedures.
For more information, find the Contact/Special Droplet signage for COVID-19 patients on the Infection Prevention site here. Also, Infection Prevention recently developed an FAQ document related to COVID-19. Please review it here.