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Intro to Pain 101 course Sept. 8 to Oct. 9

04 Aug 2019

Refer your patients to popular chronic pain course

By: Carilyn Ellis, PsyD, MSCP clinical psychologist and Mike Bragiel, PT, DPT, OCS, Salem Health Rehabilitation Center

The next “Pain University” six-week course through the CHEC starts Sept. 9. Cconsider referring your patients with chronic pain to this series! These classes fill up fast; the referral process takes three to four weeks, but patients can also sign up on their own.

Pain 101: Intro to pain and its treatment is a six-week free course taught by a psychologist and physical therapist who specialize in the treatment of chronic pain.

Participants will learn a multidisciplinary approach to diminish the effects of catastrophizing pain, anxiety, physical guarding and poor sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a biopsychosocial approach, which includes multiple ways of understanding and handling persistent pain.

A new series begins every two months. Classes are from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Check out the flier and direct patients to enroll online or call the CHEC at 503-814-2432.

Providers can also refer patients directly to the intro to pain class using this form. Simply fill it out and fax it to the CHEC at 503-814-1599. You can also refer patients to CHEC classes using Epic.