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Inpatient AVS changes affect providers

13 Nov 2016

By: Elisa Bledsoe, kaizen specialist

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A new version of the AVS will began Nov. 8.  This impacts Salem Health hospitalists, Critical Care Units, Adult Health Units, Inpatient Rehab, Acute Rehab, Inpatient & Outpatient Surgery, Women’s & Children’s Services, Psychiatric Services, and Care Management.

A team of your peers worked last year to improve the AVS as part of the Readmissions A3.  Goals include making the format more patient friendly and easier for staff to complete.

Changes to workflow affecting hospitalists
The .DCINSTRUCTIONSBIFOLD discharge instructions must be completed by the provider.  To make this easier many of the fields will automatically populate.  Just delete the fields that don’t apply to your patient.

The diagnosis on page 1 now pulls from the problem list.  Select the principal problem or the diagnosis will be blank.

Improvements for providers include:

AVS is shorter and includes more fields that auto-populate.
The ‘Why you were in the hospital’ primary diagnosis now populates from the problem list with the primary problem as the one the patient will see. This is now under the control of the provider.
Follow-up appointments moved to first page and combined into 1 section.
The .DCINSTRUCTIONSBIFOLD smartphrase has been redesigned to be a brief and appropriate set of discharge instructions for generic inpatients.  Many fields auto-populate.
RN Discharge Caller phone number added to the updated .DCINSTRUCTIONSBIFOLD discharge instructions so patients can call if they have a question.
Convenient Care contact information added.
Only the most recent attending provider will show on the first page.  Sometimes this will be a provider team, so the discharging provider’s name auto-populate on the new .DCINSTRUCTIONSBIFOLD.

Improvements for staff include:

Reworded headers describing hospitalization and follow up appointments.
Why Were You in the Hospital section revised to show only the primary diagnosis, not the entire problem list with ICD-9 & 10 codes.
Height/Weight section removed.
MyChart section shortened.
CHEC section improves focus on educational resources and clarifies contact info.
Exit Care patient education sheets will print at end so they can be separated from discharge instructions.

View screenshots so you know what the printed AVS will look like.
View the Physician Discharge Reconciliation tip sheet which takes you step by step through the Discharge Navigator.

Questions?  Contact Elisa Bledsoe in the Kaizen Promotion Office, 4-2703.