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How to send a secure chat message in Epic

09 Oct 2022

Ask specialists about pulmonary findings on CT

By: Brandon Tieu, MC FAC, Thoracic Surgery Director

We’ve formed a new chat group in Epic – the MD Pulmonary Nodule biopsy review group. This a protected and Secure chat forum for you ask questions about your patients who have chest CT findings concerning malignancy.
See the visual below on how to send a message.

Our group includes providers from Pulmonology, Thoracic Radiology, Interventional Radiology, and Thoracic Surgery. 

The group gives providers an efficient and secure way to contact different specialties to get their expert opinion about pulmonary findings on CT. For example, if there is a nodule, is there concern for malignancy? Does it need to be biopsied or can we continue to follow it with surveillance? If it needs a biopsy, what is the safest and highest yield approach for tissue sampling? 

I’ve attached a “How to” send a message to the group document above to assist you. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about the feature and I look forward to hearing any feedback you have about it. 

How to send a secure message