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Help to explain code status to your patients

04 Dec 2022

Have you shared this life and death video?

By: Shannon Priem, Senior Content Specialist

Salem Health produced a six-minute video to explain what patients and their families need to know when making “life and death” decisions while in our care. Feel free to share our link with your patients.

Understanding your Code Status explains what happens during Full Code, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) and DNR/DNI (Do Not Intubate). It also encourages people to learn more through their providers. Anyone can access the video from this link.

“We saw the need to help families have these difficult conversations with staff and providers, so they can make the best decisions possible, and so we can respect their wishes,” said Amanda Heather, MSW, who helps narrate the video. 

Also review the Advance Directive and POLST (updated to include a planning booklet) available online in several languages and through nursing units.

Special thanks to the team for providing technical expertise:  Ann Alway, long-time ICU nurse; Hong Lee, Medical Ethicist; Amanda Heather, Palliative Care social worker and Kovid Trivedi, MD, who directed simulated resuscitation scenes that included Ellie Butsch, RN and Kelly Honyak, RN (retired); and to Mojabeng Phoofolo, MD, Hospitalist, and Shane Peterson, MD from our Emergency Department for explaining the three options.