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Happiness Advantage study recruitment

14 Mar 2021

We need participants like you

By: Nancy Dunn MS, RN, clinical excellence coordinator

We are inviting employed or contract providers to participate in a new research study being conducted at Salem Health. Research is crucial in advancing knowledge of health care worker happiness. Numerous scientific studies in positive psychology have demonstrated that targeted positive psychology interventions can result in meaningful changes in a healthcare worker’s subjective happiness. This is an experimental design with randomized experimental and control groups. Maximum number of study subjects 100 in each group. Launches April 2021 and concludes March, 2022. Must be an employed or contract provider to be eligible. Independent providers are not eligible as the investigators are measuring health care workers’ subjective happiness as it relates to one primary work place setting, Salem Health. Contact the Principal Investigator, Nancy Dunn MS, RN, Clinical Excellence Coordinator at or 503-814-2837 for more information.

happiness advantage flier