Football is coming (virtually) — and so is the flu (in person), so Salem Health’s No Flu Here League is suiting up!
Vaccination will be paramount to reduce the impact of respiratory illnesses and resulting burdens on the health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s your reminder about the policy for non-employed providers.
We make it easy to get vaccinated — please take advantage of our service.
With the endorsement of the Physician Leadership Council, Salem Health requires that non-employed providers privileged at Salem or West Valley Hospitals be immunized against influenza every year before the second Friday of November — which is Nov. 13 this year.
If you are granted an exemption, you’ll be required to wear a surgical mask while in a patient care or clinical area, when within six feet of a patient, and when entering a patient room during the flu season, which typically lasts through March 31. (Due to the pandemic, wearing masks on campus is required by all staff and visitors regardless of exemption status.)
Reasons allowing exemptions include severe allergy, history of GB syndrome and religion. Everything you need to know and do is located on this intranet site, including the medical staff exemption form.
You’ll need to be logged in to Salem Health’s intranet to access it.
Three ways to get a free flu shot:
Providers who receive their vaccine outside Salem Health typically email the Medical Staff Office at with flu vaccine information, date received and location.
Questions? Contact Employee Health at 503-814-7250 or
Tailgate flu shot clinics at CHEC rooms 1 and 2
Salem Health Lab at 3300 State St.
Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Hawthorne location
Thursday, Oct. 22 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
West Valley Hospital conference room