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From the pharmacist: Nausea gets facelift

22 Nov 2020

Nausea order groups to align better with practice

By: Matthew Tanner, PharmD, clinical pharmacy coordinator

The familiar groups of nausea meds are being rearranged starting Nov. 24 to align options closer to clinical practice. This change will include:

  • Adult Admission
  • Adult Observation
  • GI Bleed
  • Pancreatitis
  • Standard Nausea / Pain / Sedation and Acid Suppression
  • Post-op order sets for Podiatry, Arteriography, Endarterectomy, and Lower Extremity Vascular

This change will start on Nov. 24, 2020.

Part of this face-lift is removing IV promethazine from order sets to partially comply with ISMP’s recommendation to minimize harm associated with IV promethazine extravasation. Other alternatives (prochloroperazine, haloperidol and droperidol) are being given more prominent places in nausea orders.

Here is a preview of what the orders will look like:


If you have any questions about this change, please let Matt in Pharmacy know (503-814-9960 or