The No Flu Here League at Salem Health was kicked off on Oct. 1. All the details were contained in the last issue of Common Ground. Our goal is to have 100% of the medical staff vaccinated against influenza, and, as a reminder, the deadline is Nov. 12, 2021. You can get your free flu shot in several convenient ways, all explained in the above link. Alternatively, you can call Employee Health (now located in Building D, fourth floor) at 503-814-7250 to schedule an appointment.
For the influenza season, influenza vaccinations will be vital to help reduce the impact of respiratory illnesses in the population and resulting burdens on the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for helping to keep our staff, patients and community safer during this year’s flu season. For more information and helpful resources, when logged into the SH intranet, go to the NFHL site here.