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Fixed-dosed Kcentra protocol starts May 8

29 Apr 2018

For patients needing warfarin reversal

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Recently, the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee approved a protocol implementing fixed-dosed Kcentra for patients presenting in need of warfarin reversal. We will be implementing this on May 8, 2018.


  • A baseline INR will be drawn.
  • An initial dose of 1,500 units of Kcentra and 2 mg of vitamin K will be ordered.
  • A second INR will be drawn after the Kcentra is given.
  • If the second INR is > 1.5, the pharmacist will follow up with primary physician to determine if additional Kcentra is needed, then order an additional dose according to the package insert dosing.
  • Further information (including the protocol) can be found on the Anticoagulation Reversal Guideline, under “Warfarin. ”

If you have questions contact Matt Tanner in Pharmacy at or 503-814-2048.