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Epic VTE changes go live Sept. 13

04 Sep 2016

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The VTE Prevention Team has completed testing its most recent check and adjust countermeasure. The following changes will GO-LIVE in Epic on Sept. 13, 2016:

1.    VTE orders returned to admission, post-op, and transfer order sets (see list of order sets in Tip Sheet)

2.    VTE Risk Stratification tool available for use in Med/Rec in ED Floor Orders, Admission and Post-Transfer Navigators

3.    Simplified version of the 4 hour BPA if VTE orders not placed

The Epic VTE Workflow Tip Sheet for Risk Stratification and Prophylaxis Orders can be accessed via this hyperlink.

We are also doing the following:

·        The Tip Sheet will be published in Common Ground on Sept. 4.

·        The Tip Sheet will also be hyperlinked to a message on Radar Sept. 5 to 16.

·        We will both be available to support providers Sept. 13 through the remainder of the week.

·        All providers are encouraged to call the Solution Center HELP desk for immediate support.

Contacts: John Hannig, 503-931-3683 and Preethi Prakash, 503-814-9171