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Easier downtime instructions for frequently used order sets

17 Feb 2019

Look for orange sign for new order sets in nurse stations

By: Amy Stokes, MSN, RN-BC, Clinical Education

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For the past year, the Electronic Support System Downtime Steering Committee has been revising order sets to be used during downtime. We focused first on order sets used at least three times per day, working with medical staff who frequently use them. Order sets with complex content were also included.

We designed templates to facilitate ease of use to meet downtime needs.

We created 57 order sets. Future identified downtime order sets will go through the Order Set Advisory Group (OSAG) process. 

Each unit will have either a designated rolling cart or drawer with an orange downtime order set sign on it located at each nurse’s station. As of Feb. 16, 2019, revised order sets may be viewed through the intranet home page under “Tools and Resources”; see “Order Sets.”

Please familiarize yourself with the order sets you frequently use. Discuss any concerns with the unit manager or Claire O’Brien, chief medical information officer, and Chair of OSAG.