Over the last six months our Infusion team has provided monoclonal antibody therapy to COVID-positive patients at the off-campus Parkside clinic location. The FDA adjusted the EUA throughout this time and we are now administering the current recommended combination casirivimab and imdevimab, which is believed to be more effective against variant strains.
Recently we’ve seen more mild disease with vaccinated patients. Our outcomes below show that we are making a difference in the community and want to be sure you are aware that this treatment continues to be available for your patients.
Clinic Outcomes, Dec. 10, 2020 through June 30, 2021
248 total referrals (91 ordering providers).
1. One infusion reaction – moderate itching. Patient able to complete the infusion after receiving diphenhydramine and dexamethasone.
2. 176 patients have received treatment
a. 152 recovered from their symptoms without ED or hospital admission, 86%
b. 24 patients had subsequent visits for worsening symptoms including:
- 10 hospital admissions including 1 death
- 8 ED visits without admission
- 6 outpatient visits
3. 70 patients have declined treatment
a. 45 recovered from their symptoms, 64%
b. 25 had subsequent visits for worsening symptoms including:
- 14 hospital admissions including 1 death
- 3 ED visits without admission
- 8 outpatient visits