On June 24, 2021, the FDA issued an EUA for the use of Tocilizumab (ACTEMRA) for the treatment of COIVD-19 in hospitalized adult and pediatric patients who are receiving systemic corticosteroids and supplemental respiratory support. Starting June 29, 2021, all hospitalized adult patients who meet the use criteria without contraindications, will be eligible to receive Tocilizumab. This will expand our current usage criteria and allow more therapy options to hospitalized patients.
Since Tocilizumab is available via an EUA, patient/ LAR education and chart documentation is required for use. Both providers and pharmacists have responsibilities when using or verifying EUA medications:
On July 2, Remdesivir use will be expanded to include all hospitalized COVID positive patients with mild to moderate disease who are acutely decompensating. Patients will no longer need to be actively receiving oxygen support or hypoxic to be eligible for Remdesivir therapy. Pharmacists will no longer need to verify oxygenation status but rather ensure patient is COVID positive and doesn’t have any contraindication to drug use prior to order verification.
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For questions, please contact:
Danielle Britt, MA, PharmD AMS/ID Pharmacist
Jasmin Chaudhary, MD Infection Prevention Medical Director or