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Construction on track, ED entrance opens late April

13 Feb 2022

Watch for transition plans; section meetings this spring

By: Hannah Bauer, facilities project consultant

We are rapidly approaching the end of construction on the Building A expansion.

We remain on track to complete and open the ED driveway toward the end of April – with the first patients served in this expansion in mid-July.

A few facts

  • The building is part of Building A. It does not have a separate name.
  • The new units will be A East units (A3 E, A4 E, A5 E, A6 E and A7 E).
  • 150 new patient beds does not mean 150 patients more than our existing census. We will move patients and staff from Building B. (A number of moves and shuffles will take place to fill the expansion. Building B 3W, 4S, 5S, 6S, 5N and 6N will all take part in the move effort. We will provide more information in an upcoming article.)
    • Once the moves are complete, we will have 20 more active patient beds than we do today (though we see this volume of patients right now due to the surge).
    • Building B5 S will be a true surge unit with 41 available beds.
    • The total capacity increase when the expansion opens is 61 beds.
    • Eventually, we will backfill the vacated units in Building B (B4 S and B6 S).

Project updates

  • Transition planning is underway.
    • As we get close to the move, affected providers will be engaged to contribute to the patient move plan.
    • The project team will provide updates at section meetings this spring.
    • After construction is complete, we will spend May and June installing equipment and placing supplies.
  • The exterior of the building and surrounding landscape is nearly complete.

    Closeup northeast 

  • The interior of the building is progressing floor by floor.
    • The fifth floor (pictured) is the most complete.
    • Each day, a “parade of trades” completes flooring, painting, tile, cabinetry and fixture installation.

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