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Coming March 25: Some base names change in Epic Beaker

09 Mar 2025

Glucose, potassium and sodium-related results and personal smart phrases affected

By: Olivia Alley, technical communications coordinator

As part of our ongoing Beaker optimization project, we are updating some system identifiers (known in Epic as “base names”) to improve the accuracy and relevancy of the lab results you see when ordering medications.

For our initial go-live phase on Tuesday, March 25, we’ll update some less common base names attached to glucose, potassium and sodium related results.

These changes also impact how affected lab results are pulled into personal smart phrases.

For example: Point-of-care glucose results will be changed to match serum glucose results with a base name of “GLU,” previously “POCGL.” 

And, if you have a note template that pulls in both serum and POC glucose results — like “@RESUFAST@(GLU,POCGL)”, for example — it will need to be updated to “@RESUFAST@(GLU)” — because the POCGL will return the error text, “No results found for: ‘POCGL’.” These updates are necessary whenever you see the “No results found for: . . .”  error text in your note templates when you otherwise expected to see results.

A tip sheet for modifying Lab Smartlinks in your note templates is available here and on our Epic SharePoint site (Salem Health intranet access required) and on the Epic F1 Learning Home Dashboard. 

We’ll share additional result changes for future Epic updates in Common Ground.

 Questions? Contact the Service Desk at 503-814-HELP (4357).