We received a Health Alert Network (HAN) message in early March from the State of Oregon regarding serogroup B meningococcal disease.
Last November, Benton County Health Department (BCHD) confirmed two cases of serogroup B meningococcal disease in undergraduate students attending OSU in Corvallis. A third case has been reported by the Oregon State Public Health Lab, now meeting the criteria of an outbreak.
The CDC recommends vaccination for all undergraduate students up to age 25. In particular, OSU students who live in on-campus housing and those who are members of – or who visit – off-campus congregate housing associated with the university are urged to get vaccinated.
Revised standing orders for clinicians and pharmacy protocols are being developed. Providers are also asked to consider meningococcal disease in their differential diagnosis for college students — particularly students with links to OSU — presenting with unexplained high fever, headache, stiff neck, or rash. Please report any suspected cases to your local public health department.
An important reminder: During the March 25 – April 2 spring break, many students will be returning home and could present for care far from Corvallis.
For more information, read the Oregon Health Authority investigative guidelines or call:
Tasha Poissant or Richard Leman in OHA’s Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention Section at 971.673.1111.
Information about Meningococcal disease can be found at:
Oregon Health Authority: https://public.health.oregon.gov/DiseasesConditions/DiseasesAZ/Pages/disease.aspx?did=51
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/index.html