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Closure of glycemic management team

15 Apr 2018

The challenges of diabetic care.

By: Ralph Yates, DO, chief medical officer

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Last year Salem Health established the glycemic management team as a test of change. The goal was to address the challenge of providing diabetic care that is both clinically effective and cost effective.

Success was measured by two aggressive metrics: reduce readmission rates and shorten the length of stay. While readmissions fell for a small group of patients, length of stay has not changed.  

Salem Health is making the difficult decision to close the glycemic management team at the end of June. Michelle Grove, NP, will move to the SHMG hospitalists and the rest of the team offered a redeployment process.

The results of this test of change demonstrate the size and scope of the diabetic problem. The team worked hard on a daunting, complex issue that is challenging every health care provider across the nation. Though the results weren’t as we hoped, their work was exemplary.

Part of our Lean philosophy is not being afraid to try new things, and allowing the data to measure success. Salem Health is committed to the goal of focused diabetes care that produces better outcomes at less cost to our patients. We will continue to tackle this issue because our patients need and deserve an effective and efficient solution.

We are going back to the problem-solving process to find the next test of change to address diabetic care. We will collate a set of resources and processes available for you and your patients after June. Diabetes care will continue to be a focus of strategic work in the coming years.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me.