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Campus expansion update: Communication ramps up

15 Sep 2019

Learn about why we are expanding and impacts to parking

By: Hannah Bauer, facilities development

As reported in August, the campus expansion project is continuing to move forward as planned.

We are ramping up communication and are counting on you to help spread the word!

  • This expansion is an exciting achievement for our community and patients. Familiarize yourself with the general-purpose talking points that explain why we are building this addition and what will be in it.
  • Later this month, we will send a survey about transportation and commuting habits to everyone at Salem Health. Provider parking will remain on campus during this project, but we still encourage you to take the survey to contribute to the conversation about supporting alternate transportation. The survey will be sent to all Salem Health email addresses.
  • Parking and transportation are hot topics! Our first parking talking points are available here. As information becomes available, we will compile an FAQ to address more detailed questions.

If you have questions about the campus expansion project, please email