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Are we thawing the Epic enhancement freeze?

03 Mar 2019

Teams finalizing process flow; build freeze lifted

By: Sandra Shore, General surgery manager; Claire O’Brien, MD, CMIO; and Lloyd Fobi, IS applications director

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The journey of alignment to Epic Foundation is continuous, as every change has the potential to ripple across specialties, service lines and workflows.

The IS team and A3 captains are finalizing details of a process flow with the chairs of committees that generate Epic enhancements around the organization (Informatics Council, Ambulatory Council, Physician Informatics Council, Order Set Advisory Group, Virtual Patient Engagement Committee, Decision Support). We also want to notify you that the build freeze is lifted and enhancement requests can be submitted as of Feb. 15.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Submit enhancement requests via the Epic Enhancement request form on the IS service portal. This form includes the first step of the 4SPS to highlight the big vague concern.
  • Is every change to Epic an “enhancement?” What if something is broken? Click here to learn more.