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Appreciating others: An antidote to burnout

17 Sep 2017

By: David Barlow, SH Director of Service Excellence

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In Physician Leadership Institute 2.0, we explored the impact of “burnout,” a concerning reality in health care. Through PLI, we came to understand that recognition and appreciation are powerful antidotes to burnout. As we took the initial steps of practicing gratefulness for others, we offered thanks because we were asked to. 

However, as time went on, we did it because of our own internal motivation. The culture of the group evolved and relationships grew stronger. Appreciation, voiced and heard, made a difference.

We are creating a similar opportunity for each of you to easily convey appreciation for others and potentially start to transform the culture around you. The Star Awards nomination form is now easily available from Common Ground via a button on the side of the page. Simply click on the button and it will guide you through a very simple process to appreciate peers, coworkers and volunteers. All you need is their name and a brief synopsis of why you’re nominating them for recognition. That’s really all it takes. The Star Team and the Committee for Professionalism will take it from there.

An old Hopi poem speaks of impending change and a journey to come. The last line of the poem says, “We are the ones we have been waiting for!” Perhaps this means that we can and should take the lead to shape who we want to be rather than waiting and hoping that others will do it for us.

Please consider taking the lead to shape our culture by recognizing and appreciating someone.