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Ann Alway retires, tribute celebration Nov. 8

05 Nov 2023

Her decades span the evolution of nursing as a profession

By: Shannon Priem, senior content specialist


Ann Alway is retiring! Please help us celebrate her 48 years of critical care service on Nov. 8 from 2 to 5 p.m. in room AS6W at Salem Hospital. Her official last day is Nov. 15.

Ann, known for her red shoes on the floor, has worked with countless nurses, providers and interprofessional partners. She was instrumental in reaching our Magnet Designations and has been fondly dubbed the “Evidence-Based Queen.” She looks forward to practicing her golf swing.

We will share her history of service during the celebration, please attend and/or share any comments you have on her Memory Book here.

The photo below was taken on her first day at Salem Hospital in 1975.