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Advanced Practice Providers now part of Medical Staff

15 Dec 2024

Changes align with national trends

By: Kelly Aebi, director of medical staff services

At their Oct. 18 meeting, the SH Board of Trustees approved the Salem Hospital Medical Executive Committee’s recommendation to change the Credentials Procedure Manual qualifications for Medical Staff Membership.

Recognizing the growing role of advanced practice providers, the following are now recognized as members of the Medical Staff:  Physician Associates (PAs) and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), including NPs, CRNAs, CNS and CNMs. This aligns with regional and national trends regarding inclusion of PAs and APRNs.

All governing documents and workflows will be reviewed/revised to ensure changes are properly reflected and appropriately capture committee composition and qualifications for leadership positions.

This may include reviewing documents for clarity; plus asking medical staff committees to review their charters for further inclusion of APPs, staff status revisions and identification of what provider types can hold leadership positions.    

The Medical Executive Committee foresees changes to be fully incorporated by March 2025.