A new and improved HIV assay for Salem Health Laboratories
17 Dec 2023
HIV Duo started Dec. 13, improves turnaround
By: Amanda Jacobson, senior laboratory specialist, chemistry, and Andrew Judd, MD, laboratory medical director
The Salem Health Laboratory is changing to a different HIV assay called HIV DUO. This immunoassay is for vitro simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV-1 p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV, HIV-1 (groups M and O) and HIV-2.
Summary of changes:
- Order code: LAB4418.
- It is no longer necessary to have separate orders for HIV testing on Medicare vs non-Medicare patients — the test is built to evaluate the patient’s insurance in Epic.
- All Salem Health lab HIV orders will require an extra EDTA lavender tube be collected. This will eliminate the need for an additional blood draw if confirmation testing is needed through our reference lab.
- The only change for the Rapid HIV test (LAB8129) is the addition of an extra lavender tube.
- The HIV Duo test has a faster turnaround time.
- Confirmatory testing will be determined by which component the in-house test was reactive for:
- Reactive Antigen will reflex to:
- ARUP test code 3000867 (HIV-1 by Quant NAAT)
- Reactive Antibody will reflex to:
- ARUP test code 2012669 (HIV-1/2 AB differentiation, supplemental, with reflex to HIV-1 Quant NAAT)
- Reactive Antibody and Antigen (together) will reflex to:
- ARUP test code 2012669 (HIV-1/2 AB differentiation, supplemental, with reflex to HIV-1 Quant NAAT)
What does this change mean for providers?
In most cases, HIV Duo means a new specimen should not be needed for confirmation testing. It also means faster turnaround times for both the initial Salem Health test, as well as for any additional confirmatory testing.
Call Amanda Jacobson, senior laboratory specialist, chemistry, at 503-561-5113 or Andrew Judd, MD, laboratory medical director, at 503-814-1632.