“We’ve seen a noticeable drop in the number of patients both admitted with influenza and testing positive as an outpatient,” said Julie Koch, infection prevention manager at Salem Health.
Since Jan. 2, Salem Health had signs posted near hospital entrances asking patients’ families and friends to limit visitation to help prevent the spread of flu. Infection prevention leaders encourage the public and health care team to use common sense with respiratory etiquette, such as coughing into their elbow or sleeve.
“We will continue to closely watch flu activity in our community, though normally flu season is over by the end of March,” said Koch. “We will reassess the situation if a resurgence of flu cases reappear.”
Salem Health is comprised of Salem Hospital, West Valley Hospital, Willamette Health Partners and other affiliated health care organizations offering exceptional care to people in and around Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley. The prestigious 2015 Truven Health 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals named Salem Hospital among the highest performing hospitals in the nation—and the only Oregon hospital, and one of two Pacific Northwest hospitals, to receive this honor. “Like” us on facebook.com/salemhealth; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at youtube.com/salemhealth.